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the official website for rotXinXpieces


He never expected his prayers to be answered.

And he certainly didn't expect them to be answered by a different god than his own, but when the pain is blinding, when the misery is soul-deep, desperate times called for desperate measures.

But as time unfolds and secrets are laid bare, Adrian finds that there are a lot more scary things in the world than hell or demons or even Lucifer himself.


The universe just got a whole lot bigger and it starts in...

Series Spotlight

Series Spotlight

The Underworld Chronicles
A heart-racing mythological tale told from the male perspective. This series follows the Greek god, Hades, and his chaotic brood, and their encounters with the rest of the universe. From the sunny shores of Atlantis to the snow-capped mountains of Hades, follow these otherworldly creatures on their journey to find love, acceptance, and peace.

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